Thursday, October 2, 2008

I think I'm a Genius!

I had worked on a serious blog, but it didn't turn out quite the way wanted. I'm currently reading through Alan Hirsch's, "The Forgotten Ways" and I was going to delve into that a bit, but, well, yeah, maybe in a couple of days.

Until then I wanted to share with you physical proof that I am, in fact, on the verge of becoming a bona fide genius!  Now, if you kindly notice that the photo above is of on Albert Einstein.  I think that the name more than speaks for itself.  What I would like for you to notice, however, is the state of his hair (facial, head, and eyebrows).  In a word...outrageous.

Now, for my proof that I am, in fact, a blossoming genius.

Bear with me...

Just a little further below...


If you are wondering the answer is yes, that is my eyebrow.  All one inch of it.  Disgusting?  I think not.  Amazing?  Most certainly.  A couple more of those bad boys and I'm well on my way to Einstein 'brows (the true sign of a genius).

1 comment:

Ben said...

Barry that's really very disgusting