Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Honduras One

Several folks have been asking about our recent mission trip to Honduras.  Our main goal on the trip was to work with local churches to spread the message of Christ.  During the day we would travel around to local schools, perform skits, and pass out the Book of Hope (the gospel of John in an age appropriate magazine form).  In the evening we would show the God-Man video (story of the life of Christ) at a local church.  It worked out really well as we would oftentimes see many of the same kids and their families at the God-Man that we had met at school earlier in the day.  It was also nice to get them plugged into a local church.  I would love to tell you more, but, since a picture is worth 1,000 words, I decided to post a few on the blog to tell the rest of the story.  I hope you enjoy!

Friday Morning. Getting ready to leave from Pittsburgh!
Honduras from the air.
Honduran housing.
Gas anyone?

Our "hotel" in San Pedro Sula
Mmmm...Power Chicken.  Our first meal in Honduras was incredible.  And, we discovered banana pop.  Yeah, it sounds icky, but it's amazing.
John and Emerson
Beth and Angie

Our sweet ride

By the end of Friday night we were def. in culture shock.  Plans had changed and many of the skits we'd learned were actually not the ones we were going to use.  Oh, and we had to learn a few new ones...in Spanish.  In short, we felt overwhelmed.  But, I've never been more proud of our team.  Faced with some pretty great adversity, the marched stoically on.  They were willing to change on the fly and looked toward the new challenges in a mostly optimistic light.  I, as the group leader, felt a bit sick.

5:00AM Saturday Morning.  3 Hour bus ride to Port
Ah, yes, the Barf Boat.  Only a 1 and a half hour ride!
First view of Roatan from the boat.  Saturday Afternoon.

On Roatan.
Yay!  Time to eat.
We don't know either.  But, it was good!
Waiting for the bus.
Skit practice at a local church.

John being John.

By the end of Saturday we were pretty worn out.  It had been a long bus ride followed by the boat ride, where nearly everyone got seasick.  Oh, and did I mention it was hot?  Add to this that we didn't have any down time, and most were nearing the end of the rope.  It was physically, emotionally, and spiritually demanding.  I was praying, and hoping those back home were praying as well.

We were able to show a God-Man that evening, get some food around 10PM, and head to bed. Sunday was spent helping to run Sunday school at a local church, more skit practice, and then back to church in the evening.  By Sunday evening, we were exhausted.  We were ready for ministry to start on Monday morning.

Our first school, Monday morning.

Our second school.

John and Em, sick in bed.  Heat+Travel+Little Sleep=SICK!
Fish head soup, anyone?

Some Roatan scenery

By Monday night we had completed our first 4 schools, and had the opportunity to show our first God-Man with only our team.  The ministry was re-energizing.  It was awesome to worship with local Honduran Christians, and it was amazing to see how hungry others were to hear about Jesus. John and Emerson were on the mend (thanks to over-the-counter purchase of some antibiotics), and the team had a higher moral.  We went to bed Monday tired, but hopeful.

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