Sunday, June 15, 2008

In a Sea of Faces

I love mentoring.  Fortunately, in my job I occasionally have the opportunity to pour into the life of another.  I am currently meeting with a student, and we have been working through "Blue Like Jazz."  It's a wonderful introductory work into the basics of the Christian faith.  Donald Miller writes in a friendly, coffee shop prose that most can easily grasp; perfect for a high school youth.

This past week we were working through the chapter entitled "Alone."  We chatted about the need for community, the difficulty of allowing others into our lives, and the fear of betrayal.  All valid concerns.  As we talked, I began to reflect on an earlier journal entry concerning loneliness that I wrote while visiting a friend.  My friend and I were talking on a more personal level, and as I lay awake late into that night these thoughts circled in my mind.  The next morning they were easily transferred to the paper of my journal.  I post the entry for your consideration, complete with a short poem that I wrote at that time as well.

Kaleidoscope Entry - 3/1/2008
What does it mean to be known and be loved?  

It has been said that our deepest human desire is to know and be known.  And yet we fear being known.  

To be open is pain.  We learn this lesson at an early age.

Enter the masks.  Enter the fronts.  Enter the walls and defense mechanisms.

It will require effort to remove masks.  Time will be needed to breach walls.  One identity buried under the rubble of a lifetime.

But the reward for the persistence!  The healing can now begin.  Kingdom can enter.  Christ can fully reign.

pricks and barbs
arrows and stones
the fierce desire
to be left alone.
desperately desiring
to be seen from within
secretly dreading
judgement for hidden sin.
to be LOVED
to be KNOWN
to be OWNED
walls come down
defenses must crumble
souls will shake
hearts will rumble.
naked and stripped
vulnerable and empty
now we can enter
into the land of plenty.
naked I enter
naked I depart
naked the beginning
naked the start.

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